Update: February 28, 2022, 1:30 pm
Following the recent evolution of the COVID-19 situation and the new relief measures announced by the Quebec government, the municipal offices will reopen to the public as of February 28.
As of Thursday, January 13, we will be happy to welcome you inside the library and allow you to have access to the shelves so that you can choose your books, while respecting the sanitary measures in effect.
December 20 - Due to the evolution of the pandemic and the measures announced by the Quebec government on December 20, the administrative offices will be closed to the public as of December 21. The library will keep the same opening hours, but only the loan of documents without contact is allowed. Details.
July 8 - The offices of the Town Hall will reopen to the population this Monday, July 12, and this, according to the hygiene and physical distancing measures in effect. Details.
June 23 - The Outaouais region, including the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais, will go into green zone on June 28. We invite you to take note of the new measures in effect. More details.
May 26 - The Outaouais region, including the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais, will go into zone orange on May 31. We invite you to take note of the new measures in effect. More details.
May 19 - Consult the reopening plan and the forthcoming loosening of measures by levels announced by the Quebec government. Details.
May 17 - Starting Tuesday, May 18, we will be happy to welcome you inside the library and allow you to have access to the shelves and choose your books by yourself, while respecting the sanitary measures in effect. Details.
May 12 - The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l'Outaouais would like to inform the population that the special emergency measures will be lifted for Gatineau, the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais and the MRC du Pontiac as of May 17. Details.
April 27 - Given the recent change in the epidemiological situation, special emergency measures apply in the Outaouais region until May 9 2021 inclusively. Details.
Residents are invited to consult the CISSS de l'Outaouais website on a regular basis for the latest updates on the COVID-19 vaccination. Click here.
March 10 - The CISSS de l'Outaouais would like to inform the population of 70 years and older age group to make an appointment starting today to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Details
March 9 - The CISSS de l'Outaouais wishes to inform the population of 75 years old and moreover that they are invited to make an appointment starting today to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Details (french only)
March 2nd - The CISSS de l'Outaouais confirms the start of a mass vaccination for the population aged 85 and over. Those concerned can now make an appointment. Details.
February 11 - CISSSO announced today the vaccination sites for COVID-19. The designated site for Chelsea residents will be the Wakefield Community Centre. Details.
February 3 - Consult the informative table of the easing of containment measures. Click here. (French only)
January 27 - Consult this informative document from the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de l'Outaouais on the COVID-19 regional vaccination campaign in the region. (French only) Click here.
January 20 - Consult this informative document from the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de l'Outaouais on the COVID-19 regional vaccination campaign in the region. (French only) Click here.
Due to the evolution of the pandemic and the measures announced by the Gouvernement du Québec on January 6, administrative offices remain closed to the public. However, please note that practically all services to residents are maintained. Details.
January 7 - Because of the recent changes in the epidemiological situation, all of Québec, except the Cree Territory of James Bay and Nunavik, will be on Maximum Alert (red zone) from January 9 up to and including February 8, 2021. Details.
December 17 - On account of recent developments in the epidemiological situation, indoor and outdoor private gatherings in regions and territories that are on maximum alert (red zone) will be prohibited throughout the holiday season (December 17, 2020 to January 10, 2021, inclusively). Details
December 15 - (French only) Le CISSS de l’Outaouais confirme aujourd’hui que la MRC de Papineau et la MRC de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau passent maintenant au palier d’alerte maximal rouge et ce, à compter du 17 décembre 2020 à 00 h 01. Détails
December 14 - Service Canada has decided to extend the renewal period for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) from July to January 2021 for seniors 65 years of age and older who are eligible for the GIS you can fill out the renewal form. Click here
December 2nd - Canadian businesses, non-profit organizations, or charities who have seen a drop in revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for a subsidy to cover part of their commercial rent or property expenses, starting on September 27, 2020, until June 2021. Details
November 6 - An offer of 750 additional appointments has been added on the Collines-de-l'Outaouais territory for residents who wish to be vaccinated against influenza. Details.
October 30 - Here is the epidemiological portrait of the region. These data come from the CISSSO. See the infography.
October 13 - The Municipality of Chelsea wishes to inform its residents that all of its municipal buildings are closed to the public until further notice and that the services offered are modified. Details.
October 10 - The Government of Quebec announced today that the City of Gatineau and the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais are going into maximum alert mode. We invite you to read about the new restrictions. Details.
23 septembre - (French only) L'Outaouais passe au niveau d'alerte modrée, soit le niveau orange. Cette décision repose sur plusieurs facteurs dont la tendance à la hausse des cas confirmés pour une quatrième semaine consécutive. Lire le communiqué du CISSO.
September 22, 2020 - The Government of Quebec announced earlier today that the Outaouais is now going to the Orange Alert level. As a result, certain measures now apply. We invite you to consult them now by clicking here.
September 18 - The Public Security of the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais will visits licensed establishments to identify and intervene in places where there could be problems of non-compliance with sanitary rules. Details.
September 8 - The regional alert system with progressive intervention criteria defines additional measures to be taken as needed to ensure public safety in each of Québec’s socio-health regions. Read more.
July 17 - We would like to remind residents that masks are already required in all municipal buildings, including town hall and the library. We therefore ask for your cooperation in bringing a mask with you when you visit. Details.
July 7 - (French only) Le CISSS de l’Outaouais tient à rappeler que la Covid-19 circule toujours dans la communauté. Nous recommandons donc fortement aux personnes présentant des symptômes de la Covid-19 ou ayant été en contact avec des personnes symptomatiques à aller se faire dépister. Lire le communiqué du CISSSO.
July 3 - Epidemiology and Modelling. Read the document of the Public Health Agency of Canada.
June 29 - Find out more about the resumption of activities and the start of the 2020 school year. Details.
June 17 - Starting on June 22, 2020, indoor sports facilities will reopen and team sports matches will resume, if they comply with public health guidelines. Details.
June 8 - It is at the municipal and local level that most of the action will take place. Mayor Caryl Green signs a collective text with several mayors of Quebec. Read more (French only).
June 1st - The Municipality is proud to announce its plan to gradually reopen the municipal library in two phases. Details.
May 22 - Only document lending services will be available. Access to shelves and to common areas will continue to be prohibited. The Municipality will share more details in the coming days. Read the government's announcement.
May 22 - As of Friday, May 22, 2020, at 9 am, most parking lots located on NCC urban lands, Greenbelt and Gatineau Park will be open to the public, wherever possible. Details.
May 21 - The Quebec government has announced that outdoor gatherings of 10 people from up to three households will be allowed as of tomorrow, under certain conditions. Details.
May 14 - "It’s not a question of Montreal and the rest of Quebec. United we stand, region to region, should to shoulder, totally interdependent at every level. [...] Recovering from this unprecedented disaster can only be done if we are one, united Quebec." Details.
May 13 - Wearing a face covering in public is recommended when physical distancing is not possible. Details.
May 8 - Only residents of municipalities bordering Gatineau Park will be allowed to access it. The municipalities concerned are Chelsea, Gatineau, La Pêche and Pontiac. Details.
May 4 - The CISSS de l'Outaouais would like to inform the population that screening tests for Covid-19 are currently underway at the Gatineau Hospital. Details.
May 1st - The NCC will reopen local access to Gatineau Park for users who can access the Park on foot or by bike, beginning Saturday, May 9, 2020. Details.
April 29 - Reopening of borders in the Outaouais on May 11, with the exception of traffic between the cities of Ottawa and Gatineau. Details.
April 28 - The government announced the gradual reopening of various sectors and businesses. Details.
April 27 - The plan calls for a gradual return to preschool and elemantary school, starting with areas outside the Montréal metropolitan community. Details.
April 24 - The count of confirmed cases in the Outaouais area now stands at 229 cases. In addition, the number of people who have recovered stands at 128 in the Outaouais region. Details.
April 23 - The Public Security Service would like to remind everyone of an important message already transmitted by the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec intended for fishermen and hunters who will be travelling during COVID-19. Details.
April 20 - The count of confirmed cases in the Outaouais area now stands at 214 cases. Details.
April 18 - The CISSS de l’Outaouais regrets to announce today the first Covid-19 related death in the area. Details.
April 15 - Due to the preventive measures put in place to stop the spread of COVID-19, the Municipality of Chelsea is under the obligation to cancel the Chelsea Days event that was scheduled for June 6 and 7. Details.
April 14 - These now include suicide prevention services, the service for victims of domestic violence and food banks. Details.
April 14 - (French only) Le gouvernement partage un aide-mémoire des principales mesures mises en place depuis le début de la pandémie. En savoir plus.
April 11 - (French only) Le Grenier des Collines est l'un des organismes soutenus par cette initiative afin de les soutenir dans le contexte de la pandémie. Détails.
April 9 - On Thursday, March 26, Centraide Outaouais launched an appeal for solidarity in the form of help for community agencies whose needs are more urgent than ever in these times of crisis. Details.
April 8 - At the regular Council meeting on April 7, 2020, Council unanimously decided to cancel interest and penalties on outstanding tax account balances. Details.
April 6 - The Municipality of Chelsea is launching a campaign to encourage residents to support Chelsea businesses by buying locally in these tougher times. Details.
April 5 - Le premier ministre du Québec, François Legault, a annoncé dimanche la prolongation de la fermeture de toutes les entreprises et de tous les commerces non essentiels jusqu’au 4 mai prochain. Lire plus (French only).
April 2 - The CISSS de l’Outaouais informs that the count of confirmed cases in the area now stands at 75 cases. Details.
April 2 - The Government of Quebec has published a Q&A on travel between regions. Details.
April 2 - The MRC Council of Mayors agrees with this decree. Details.
April 1st - The CISSS de l’Outaouais informs that the count of confirmed cases in the area now stands at 64 cases. Details.
March 31 - The CISSS de l'Outaouais announces that the count of confirmed cases in the area now stands at 50 cases. Details.
March 31 - Ithus ask residents of the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais
(MRC) to stay at home and respect social distancing measures in the face of the COVID-19 emergency. Details.
March 30 - The CISSS de l’Outaouais confirms today 38 cases of COVID-19. Some of these cases are in the rural area. Details.
March 27 - Two Hull hospital employees diagnosed with COVID-19. Details.
March 25 - The CISSS de l’Outaouais confirms today 13 cases of COVID-19. Details.
March 24 - The Municipality of Chelsea announces the closure of modules and playgrounds located in all parks on the Chelsea territory. Details.
March 23 - In light of updated Province of Quebec public health advisories, the National Capital Commission (NCC) is temporarily closing Gatineau Park at 9 pm on Monday, March 23, 2020. Details.
March 22 - (French only) Le CISSS de l’Outaouais confirme aujourd’hui 8 cas de la Covid-19 dans la région en secteur urbain. La direction de la Santé publique amorce, pour chacun des cas, des enquêtes rigoureuses afin d’établir les contacts de chacune de ces personnes. Détails.
March 21 - The Public Health Department confirms that all of those who attended the Meredith Centre at the dates indicated are at low risk of having contracted the virus. Details.
March 20 - The CISSS de l’Outaouais informs the population that a person from the Gatineau area has been screened in Ontario with a positive result. Details.
March 20 - The ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation, Andrée Laforest, is asking all municipalities to cancel or postpone all forms of consultation. Details.
March 18 - The CISSS of the Outaouais informs the population of a first case of Covid-19 in the region. The infected person has travelled. The person came to one of the facilities and took all the necessary precautions. Read more.
17 mars - As of now, the Public Security Service is closing, for an indefinite period, its administrative services offered to citizens showing up in person. Read more.
March 16: the Municipality of Chelsea informs its residents that all municipal buildings are closed to the public until further notice. It includes the town hall, the public library, the community centres and the Meredith Centre. Details.
March 15: No cases have been reported yet in the Outaouais.
Read the press release
March 15: In its most recent press conference, the Government of Quebec limits the capacity of public places. The Municipality will provide an update on its offices, library and community centres tomorrow.
March 14: The Government of Quebec declares a health emergency for a period of 10 days. More information (French only).
March 13: As a precautionary measure, the Municipality of Chelsea is closing municipal offices and the library until further notice. All non-essential activities are cancelled for the moment. The situation will be re-evaluated on Monday, March 16. Read the press release.
March 13: Quebec announces the closure of schools, CEGEPs and universities for two weeks. Know more.
COVID-19 vaccination
Click here to visit the CISSS de l'Outaouais website for the latest updates on the COVID-19 vaccination.
Make an appointment to get vaccinated
Call at 1-877-644-4545 (toll-free-line).
Click here to make an appointment online.
Need transportation to the vaccination site?
Need support?
Click here to visit the CISSS de l'Outaouais website and access the list of clinics that offer testing with or without appointment.
To make an appointment at one of the clinics:
Call at 1 877 644-4545 (toll-free-line).
Click here to make an appointment online.
Measures related to COVID-19 are evolving quickly. We invite all residents to keep abreast of the situation by keeping themselves informed through the various official sources.
All buildings are open to the public.
Modules and playgrounds will not be disinfected. Their use is at your own risk.
We ask for the cooperation of all residents to comply with public health guidelines.
Here is the list of maintained and suspended services. For details, we invite you to consult our Q&A, located at the bottom of this page.
Services maintained
Suspended services
The mission of Des Collines Seniors' roundtable is to support and/or develop initiatives that meet the needs and interests of seniors in the MRC des Collines in their daily lives.
The current coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is a particular and unusual reality. It can affect seniors both physically and psychologically. Indeed, in such a context, many people will experience stress, anxiety and depression.
They are calling for the mobilization of EVERYBODY to make known their telephone number to reach as many seniors in vulnerable situations as possible.
Several resources exist in the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais if you need help.
Do not hesitate to ask for help in these uncertain times. Someone knowledgeable and trained will be able to address your needs and concerns at the end of the line.
If you have questions about your health :
If you need help with your vaccination passport :
If you need help with food:
If you are a senior in need of support
If you need the help of a volunteer :
If you need psychological support :
If you are a victim of domestic violence:
As a result of recent developments at COVID-19 and the new relief measures announced by the Quebec government, municipal offices will be open to the public again as of February 28.
If you have any questions, you can reach the reception by email at info@chelsea.ca or by phone at 819-827-1124.
The library has been reopened to the public since January 13.
However, if the contactless loan is more convenient for you, you can always request it.
Yes, Council meetings continue to be held via the Zoom videoconferencing platform.
Citizens can easily access it by using the login information that is published on the website a few days before the session.
Visit the Council Meetings page for details on upcoming meetings.
Since the beginning of May 2020, meetings committees are held by videconference. Visit our committee page for details.
As of February 28, you can once again make your tax payments in person at Town Hall. You can also pay your tax bill:
If you have any questions regarding your tax account, you can contact the Taxation and Finance Department at 819-827-6205.
At the regular Council meeting held by videoconference on January 11, 2022, Council unanimously decided to cancel interest and penalties on outstanding tax account balances. The cancellation applies for the period extending from March 1st to June 30th, 2022 inclusively.
Whenever possible, it is strongly recommended that you continue to apply for permits online or by email. Some permit applications are now available through the Voilà platform. Consult the Permits and Certificates page for full details on the procedures to follow.
Inspectors continue to perform exterior inspections and empty building inspections. Any interior inspections of living spaces may be conducted, if the resident agrees to have their property visited.
The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH) regularly adjusts the measures in effect according to the alert level of the region. Based on the current level, public meetings are replaced by online public consultations via the Cocoriko platform or other tools. Any consultation will be posted on our website for a minimum of 15 days and will be announced beforehand by a public notice.
In the event of a referendum or registry, the process of signing the register is replaced by a remote referendum application process and any referendum poll must be held with a mail-in ballot. The procedure for registering qualified voters is replaced by a 15-day period for receiving written requests for referendum votes.
To verify if the measures in effect have an impact on your application with the Municipality, please contact Caroline Jean, Coordinator, at 819 827-1124 ext. 255 or at c.jean@chelsea.ca .
For more information, visit this special MAMH website.
The H2O program and the radon testing program are also available on a regular schedule since the reopening of the municipal offices on February 28.
Visit the Well and H2O water testing page for full details and collection dates.
Parks and playgrounds remain opened according to the sanitary instructions in effect issued by the Quebec government.
Modules and playgrounds are not disinfected, which means that their use are at the users' own risk.
Community centers are open upon reservation only.
If you have any questions, you can contact the Recreation Department by email at loisirs@chelsea.ca or by phone at 819 827-6228.
Garbage, recycling and compost collections are maintained according to the usual schedules for each sector.
In order to protect the workers who continue to provide the waste collection service, we ask all residents to respect the following instructions:
The workers in charge of collecting residual materials take the necessary measures to ensure their safety and to maintain this essential service. However, we ask for everyone's cooperation.
These guidelines may evolve and be updated in the coming days.
Public Works remains open to take requests. You can contact them by phone at 819-827-1160 or by e-mail at travauxpublics@chelsea.ca.
You can also make a query, via the Voilà! application.
Stay tuned for updates by checking this page regularly. You can also subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the home page and follow us on Facebook.
In addition, we invite residents to keep informed of the measures issued by both levels of government by consulting their official websites.
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