The Collines sans tondeuse challenge is back

April 17, 2024

The Collines sans tondeuse challenge (the MRC des Collines' initiative of No Mow May) is back for 2024! Under the theme Ici, on est pissenlit (Here, we're dandelions), residents are invited to delay the first mowing of their lawns for the second year running to give pollinating insects a better opportunity to access an essential source of nectar and pollen, particularly for wild bees and butterflies. With climate change, some pollinator populations are experiencing habitat loss, which significantly impacts the environment and biodiversity.

Citizens taking part in the #collinessanstondeuse challenge who wish to proudly show their participation, encourage their neighbours to do the same and inform them that it's not laziness that prevents them from cutting their grass for a few weeks are invited to obtain a free poster from the MRC des Collines, 216, ch. d'Old Chelsea.

By delaying your first mowing by a few days or weeks, you are making a significant difference. The Municipality is also joining the challenge for its municipal grounds. Your participation is crucial. If everyone pitches in, we can truly make a positive environmental impact on our pollinators!

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