Policies and action plans

The Municipality has adopted several policies and action plans over the years.

These are used to better guide its various actions and decisions, as well as to establish specific common objectives.


General Direction

As part of its activities and mission, the Municipality of Chelsea processes personal information, notably that of visitors to its Web site, citizens and its employees. As such, it recognizes the importance of respecting privacy and protecting the personal information it holds. personal information it holds.




(French only)



The Municipality of Chelsea is committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of personal information.
This policy is about you. It describes how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information. It also explains how you can request access to or correct your personal information, when necessary. 




(French only)



The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for interaction and communication between members of the municipal council, political resources and municipal employees, while respecting their respective roles. The better the means and rules of communication, the more efficient and coherent the transmission, accuracy and fluidity of information within the municipal apparatus.



(French only)




The Municipality has already developed several policies and plans to protect and preserve its natural resources to protect and preserve the environment. In fact, the Urban Plan, the Sustainable Development Action Plan, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan and the Master Plan for Active Transportation are all examples of and the Active Transportation Master Plan are all examples of environmental documents to which this to which this Tree Policy is added.


Tree Policy (french only)

In Chelsea, we are the first municipality in the Outaouais to create a sustainable development action plan. With this plan, we can say that we are working for the sustainability of our community and the well-being of our residents. The goal is to shape the Chelsea of tomorrow, in keeping with its history and natural landscapes. To achieve this, the plan includes a number of actions that address the three main pillars of sustainable development: environmental, social and economic. The aim of these actions is to strike a balance between these pillars in order to constantly act in a way that is acceptable on a human scale.


See the Action Plan


The budget must reflect the orientations of the Municipal Council in determining the municipality's financial priorities, to meet the current and future needs of the population. The active participation of Council members and municipal department heads in budget preparation is essential to ensure that decisions are made in the population's best interests, taking into account the financial capabilities of the municipality and its taxpayers.



The Policy on the Management of Long-term Debt will enable the Municipality to adopt management practices. These will guide municipal authorities and administrators by establishing maximum target indicators for the long-term debt borne by all taxpayers in the municipality and guidelines for capital financing and debt repayment.

Recreation, Sports, Culture and Community Life

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the development of the Chelsea Library collection. It is also intended to inform the public better, the municipal Council, and administrative staff of the thought process involved in collection development.


See the Collection Development Policy

Developed in 2018, the Physical Activity, Outdoors, and Sport Policy focuses on the development of physical literacy through the practice of free activities and sports. This tool will help improve the community's quality of life while making Chelsea a destination of choice for sports and recreational activities in all seasons.


See the Physical Activity, Outdoor and Sport Policy



The Municipality of Chelsea is proud to present its 2017 Family and Seniors Policy (French only). What makes us particularly proud is the innovative nature of this policy, in terms of family and seniors. Our community has expressed its willingness to recognize seniors as full members of the family. The Family and Seniors Policy is also a key tool to support the Municipality in its interventions for community members of all ages.


The Municipality of Chelsea's politique des noms commémoratifs en matière de parcs et sentiers (French only) aims to involve the population directly in the process of creating public names and places in an original and meaningful way, while expressing the importance it attaches to the enhancement of its historical and cultural heritage.

The Cultural Policy developed by the Municipality of Chelsea is the result of a lengthy process of reflection that involved all stakeholders with an interest in cultural life. The Cultural Policy aims to situate the contribution of culture to the overall development of the community, to recognize Chelsea's cultural identity, and to protect and enrich the elements that set it apart. In its own way, this commitment helps shape residents' sense of belonging and pride. It projects the Municipality of Chelsea's vision of its future to the world, in the spirit of the mission it has set for itself.


See the Cultural Policy

The purpose of the Parks and Green Area Master Plan is to assess the current and future needs of the population in terms of parks and green spaces, to carry out an inventory and evaluation of existing and potential parks and green spaces, and to propose a realistic master plan with concrete actions to be carried out, over a 10-year horizon, including a capital plan and a maintenance program. 


Read the master plan

Through this Recognition Policy, the Municipality aims to define and formalize the principles of municipal intervention in the fields of recreation, culture, and community life, to improve and optimize the mobilization and use of available resources.


See the Recognition Policy

The Active Transportation Master Plan was developed in conjunction with Municipality of Chelsea managers and the Sentiers Chelsea Trails association. Among other things, it seeks to encourage residents to exercise through the use of multi-purpose recreational trails and safe, active means of transportation on its territory, as well as between Chelsea and neighboring municipalities.

Public Works, Infrastructures and Sustainable Mobility

The purpose of this policy is to promote fairness in all summer and winter maintenance requests, as well as informed and timely decision-making, and to avoid any ambiguity regarding the sharing of maintenance costs.


Read the policy

The municipalization of private roads policy is designed to clarify the various steps and requirements involved. Citizens living on a private road can now print out the petition, have it signed, and present it at a municipal Council meeting.


See the Policy on the Municipalization of Private Roads

Municipality of Chelsea

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