Public notices


Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of February 2025:

NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – Notice is hereby given that the Municipality of Chelsea’s Council has adopted, at a sitting held June 25, 2024, the following by-law: By-law number 1311-24 – Borrowing by-law establishing capital expenditures and a loan in the amount of $7,000,000 to finance the acquisition of lands.


Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of February 2025:

NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – Notice is hereby given that the Municipality of Chelsea’s Council has adopted, at a sitting held June 25, 2024, the following by-law: By-law number 1301-24 – Borrowing by-law establishing capital expenditures and a loan in the amount of $377,500 to finance the 2024 investment expenditures.


Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of February 2025:

NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – Notice is hereby given that the Municipality of Chelsea’s Council has adopted, at a sitting held March 14, 2023, the following by-law: By-law number 1259-23 – Borrowing by-law establishing capital expenditures and a loan in the amount of $511,300 to finance expenditures related to the drinking water treatment and distribution network for centre-village.


Given in Chelsea on this 12th day of February 2025:

PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETING - To those interested in draft resolution 44-25 adopted under urban planning by-law number 1220-22 – By-law on Special Construction Project, Modification, or Occupation of a Building (SCPMOB), a public consultation meeting will be held on February 18, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., in the Public Library, located at 100, chemin d’Old Chelsea, Chelsea  J9B 1C1.


Given in Chelsea on this 7th day of February 2025:

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 1334-25 - Borrowing by-law establishing capital expenditures and a loan in the amount of $1,390,000.00 to finance the 2025 investment expenditures.

Eligible voters entitled to be on the municipal referendum list may apply for a referendum vote on this by-law by registering their name, address and capacity of the person entitled to vote, supported by his or her signature in a register opened for this purpose. The register will be accessible from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on February 20, 2025, at 100 Chemin d’Old Chelsea.




Given in Chelsea on this 29th day of January 2025:

PUBLIC NOTICE - The Council of the Municipality of Chelsea will hold an extraordinary sitting on January 31, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. in the municipal library at 100 Chemin Old Chelsea.


Given in Chelsea on this 22nd day of January 2025 :

MINOR EXEMPTIONS - Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council will decide at its next ordinary meeting to be held on Tuesday, February 4th, 2025, on the following requests for minor exemptions:

  • 37 chemin Emily Carr – Lateral setbacks  
  • 24 chemin Olmstead – Height for a shared fence


Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of January 2025:

PUBLIC NOTICE - Please note that Chelsea’s Demolition Request Committee will decide upon these demolition requests at its next meeting on January 29th, 2025:

  • 58 chemin Maxwell
  • 8 chemin Addison
  • 27 chemin Côte du nord


Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of January 2025:

NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - The Council of the Municipality of Chelsea, at a sitting held on January 14, 2025, has adopted the following by-law: by-law 1330-24 - By-law concerning the removal and treatment of residual materials.




For your convenience, here is a partial list of various types of notices:

  • Notice of promulgation
  • Entry into force
  • Special sitting of Council
  • Triennal assessment roll
  • Minor exemption request
  • Public assembly for consultation
  • Opening of a registry for persons eligible to vote
  • Request to participate in a referendum
  • Change of location of the sitting of Council
  • Adoption of the budget
  • Municipal elections



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