Sustainable urban plan By-law – No 1214-22
Appendix A - Residential Market Study
Appendix B - Central Area Heritage Buildings
Appendix C - Specific Planning Program for the Centre-Village
Appendix D - Ecological Values Study
Appendix E - Roadway and Active Transportation Network Plan
Appendix F - Active Transportation Master Plan
Appendix G - Commercial Market Study
Appendix 2 - Specifications Grids
Appendix 3 - Prescriptive Landslide Framework
Appendix 4 - Municipal Guide to Outdoor Lighting
Appendix 5 - Connectivity Territory Plan
Appendix 6 - Natural Constraints
Appendix 7 - Sites of Wildlife and Natural Interest
This section contains all of Chelsea's Planning By-laws. Some of these by-laws contain appendices and maps that are also available in this list. The documents in this section are the result of an administrative compilation and have no legal value. The Municipality of Chelsea provides this information for guidance only and cannot be held responsible for the use or interpretation of it. Only the French versions of these documents that are signed and available in the office of the Director General/Secretary-Treasurer have legal value.
This page was last updated on March 1, 2023
Planning and Sustainable
Development Department
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