October 1, 2013

Community Meeting:

October 5, 2013: Farm Point Community Centre;

10:00 - 12:00 Français

14:00 - 16:00 English


The Future of our Farm Point Community


1. Presentation on the Proposed Vision for the Farm Point Village.

2. Your comments and your suggestions.


In response to your concerns about the future for Farm Point,

the Mayor of Chelsea invited the community to develop its own recommendations

for submission to the Municipal Council.

Members of the Farm Point community nominated representatives to do this work.

Your representatives,( Sylvie D'Aoust, Michel Bastien, Claude Gervais ,Chris Faasen,  Jules Martineau, Pierre Charles, David Beattie, Neal Sundet, Denis Dezutter) wish to present their work to you,

for your comments and suggestions,

before providing recommendations to the Council.


Now is the opportunity to be heard on the future of Farm Point for the next 30 years.

If the web site allows it, the Global Visions should be edited on Chelsea municipality web site - SPP Farm Point - SPP Committee

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