Start of work on chemin de la Rivière

June 12, 2023

The Municipality of Chelsea wishes to inform its residents that roadwork on Chemin de la Rivière begins today, and will continue until October 13.  At a cost of $12 million, the work will be carried out over more than 6 km and is scheduled to last until 2024.

Schedule: Monday to Thursday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., but may vary according to weather conditions and operational constraints.

Obstructions: During construction, partial and complete closures are planned. Only local traffic will be authorized. Signage will be put in place to guide users through the various detours planned.  

Description of Works:  Major rehabilitation work on Chemin de la Rivière includes

  • Replacement of culverts and drainage improvements
  • Shoreline stonework and pavement reconstruction
  • Replacement of guardrails and updating signage to improve road service life
  • Safety and ride comfort

For more information, visit our road works page

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