Registration - recreation activities - Start of certain classes postponed

September 7, 2012

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the recreation program, Recreation Zone, will be distributed the week of September 10, and as a result courses will start the week of September 22 and end the week of December 17. Please, see the following list the view the postponed classes. For more information, contact the Meredith Centre at 819 827-0055.

- 20-20-20

- Abdominaux d'enfer

- Aérobie/musculation

- Anglais

- Bootcamp

- Danse du ventre

- Espagnol

- Français

- Guitare

- Kickboxing

- Le merveilleux monde du dessin

- Pastel

- Rencontre de tricot

- Spinning

- Tai-Chi Hollow Glen

- Tai-Chi Taoïste

- Tricot en famille

- Yoga Hatha Débutant

- Yoga Hollow Glen

- Yoga somayog

- Zumba Hollow Glen

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