Photo contest

The Municipality launches its annual photo contest for your free municipal calendar—this year's theme: the history of Chelsea through your eyes.


A calendar to celebrate the 150th anniversary!


In 2025, Chelsea will celebrate its 150th anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, the Municipality is seeking images that showcase how Chelsea fits into your story, your family's story, or your loved ones' story.

Whether it's the welcoming community, rich heritage, vast green spaces, or vibrant artistic and cultural life, the possibilities are endless. Photos can be historical, and there's no date limit. Please share your photos showcasing what makes Chelsea special to you.

Selected photos will be featured in the 2025 edition of the calendar, which will be distributed to all residents. Feel free to explore your archives and send in your best shots!




  • Be in horizontal format (landscape)
  • The files must be of 300 DPI minimal (2396 X 3198 pixels and a minimal weight of 4 MO)
  • JPEG or PNG format
  • Specify the photo credits.
  • Send us the completed authorization form
  • Respect the theme



To send your photos

You must send us your photos and authorization form by email to communications@chelsea.caThe deadline for submitting photos is August 30, 2024.

If your files are too heavy, you can send them via wetransfer, taking care to indicate your full name and email address. 


What does the municipal calendar include?

The municipal calendar is distributed free of charge to all residents and is produced at no cost to the Municipality. It includes practical information such as collection schedules, dates of Council meetings, and annual activities.

For information
Communications Department

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