Did you know that about 13% of Quebecers are allergic to ragweed? The amount of ragweed in a territory is directly related to the severity of symptoms experienced by allergic people.

This is why it is important to know how to recognize this plant and control its proliferation. Thanks to these undeveloped roots, it is fortunately very easy to pull out.

Every year, the Municipality of Chelsea organizes a toxic and invasive plants collection day. Residents are encouraged to remove the plants from their land and bring them to the municipal garage. For details on this collection day, click here. 




Identifying and limiting the presence of ragweed - Gouvernement du Québec

Herbe à poux et autres allergènes (French only) - Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

Herbe à poux (French only) - Association pulmonaire du Québec

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