The Municipality of Chelsea has adopted and implemented an emergency response plan. The plan is reviewed and updated on a regular basis and contains guidelines and measures to be implemented:
The goal of the emergency response guide is to facilitate communications and the work of the parties involved, i. e., municipal staff, municipal council, emergency responders, civil security, and the population.
An emergency kit is a good start to deal with the first 72 hours of an emergency, in case rescue crews are delayed in arriving in your area. Here is a list of items to have on hand to help you prepare your kit.
The information below was obtained from the emergency preparedness guide created by Public Safety Canada.
Keep the emergency kit in a bag, easy to carry, and in a place that is accessible to everyone in the house.
If needed, consider including the following items as well:
In all cases, customize your kit to suit your needs.
This page was last updated on August 7, 2024
For information
Chelsea Fire Department
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