Partnership with the Salon du livre de l'Outaouais

Visit the Salon du livre de l'Outaouais on February 20 and 21, 2025. Thanks to a partnership, the Chelsea Library is offering its members, for a limited time, two tickets for the price of one (one-day tickets only) upon presentation of their membership card.


The Municipal Library offers you a wide range of complementary services. Several passes are available for subscribers. Check them out! 



The loan period can vary depending on the item.  Some borrowing limits may apply. Please read the description of the item you are interested in for full details.



Reservations can be made in person, by telephone at 819 827-4019, or by email at

If a reserved pass has not been picked up by the 2 following day following the email notice, another member may borrow it.

There are waiting lists for the reservation of passes. Consequently, if you have reserved a pass but find that you will not be needing it, please call to cancel your reservation.

We encourage all borrowers to return passes as soon as they have finished using them to allow other members to borrow them for the remainder of the loan period.

Chelsea's library members can borrow Biblio-Jeux, a language stimulation program for children and their families. This educational program was developed by the Department of Speech-Language Pathology at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR).

Biblio-Jeux provides parents with information on language and literacy acquisition and language stimulation strategies to apply during play, as well as suggestions for activities to do at home.



Biblio-Jeux is an educational board game that can be borrowed and renewed by members.

Age group: children between 6 months and 12 years old and their parents

Language: French only

Reservation: possible

Loan period: up to 3 weeks


Fees will apply in case of loss.

Everyone can learn programming and electronics! Wally is a learning kit designed to teach kids and young adults the foundations of coding.

Users will be guided through an interactive story and learn to use the materials in the kit. 

A Wally kit is available for loan at the library.



The Wally Education Kit is an educational learning game that can be borrowed and renewed by members.

Age group: 8 and up (with an adult) or 10 and up (without assistance)

Language: Bilingual

Loan period: up to 3 weeks


Fees will apply in case of loss.

These special backpacks contain activity-themed items and books that promote physical literacy through specific movements. There are seven backpacks, each targeting a basic movement to learn, practice, and master!

It is possible to borrow :

  • The Squirrel:  balance
  • The Gazelle: running skills
  • The Catch: catching and throwing skills
  • The Juggler: eye-hand coordination
  • The Rack-a-bat: helps for sports with a bat and a racket
  • The Grasshopper: jumping skills
  • The Spider: fine motor skills



This item cannot be reserved more than once a month. 

Limit of one backpack per library card. 

Borrowers who return a backpack late will not be permitted to borrow them for a period of (3) three months. This will apply to other family members as well.

A backpack must be returned clean, dry and in good condition. Broken or lost items or backpack must be reported to the library staff.

Broken or lost items included in a borrowed thematic backpack will be charged to the member who borrowed the backpack. The replacement cost for the loss of a whole backpack will be $100.00.

No further loans of any kind will be permitted until accounts are settled.

The library has six pairs of snowshoes available for free rental. 


Limit of one pair per library card.

Members cannot reserve snowshoes more than once a month.

Please specify size: small (child); small (adult); medium (adult) or large (adult).Les raquettes doivent être retournées propres, sèches et en bon état.

There are waiting lists for the reservation of snowshoes. Consequently, if you have reserved snowshoes and find that you will not need them, please call to cancel your reservation. We encourage all borrowers to return snowshoes as soon as they have finished using them to allow other members to borrow them for the remainder of the loan period.

Borrowers who return snowshoes late will not be permitted to borrow them for the balance of the season. This will apply to other family members as well.

The replacement cost for lost snowshoes will be $75.00 (children) and $200.00 (adults).

No further loans of any kind will be permitted until accounts are settled.

Chelsea Library members (16 years and older) with a valid account can borrow a pass that gives them access to:

  • Gatineau Park trails


Winter Passes 

Members can borrow a pass to access Gatineau Park trails during the winter. 

Enjoy the trails on snowshoes, cross-country skis or a winter bike! 



  • This privilege is reserved for Chelsea residents only;
  • Limit of one pass per library card;
  • The fine for a lost pass is $25.00.


Chelsea Library is a wireless environment. You may use the Library’s free high-speed wireless Internet connection on your laptop computer.

There are six computers available free of charge for research and word processing.



Children under twelve who wish to use the computers must be accompanied by a parent. A child 12 to 14 years old must have a signed
permission from his/her parent.


I, _________________________, give permission to use the Library computer to my son/daughter, __________________ , aged ____ years.

Date: _______Signature ____________________



It is forbidden to visit websites featuring pornographic or hate material or other unlawful content.

If you wish to be assured of the use of a computer at a specific time, you may call ahead and book it for a maximum of 60 minutes.

If all computers are in use and people are waiting, you must limit yourself to 60 minutes.


With your library card you may borrow a museum pass and borrow your way into some of Canada’s premier museums:



This privilege is reserved for Chelsea residents only.

Limit of one per library card. 

Members cannot reserve a pass for the same museum more than once a month (exception: once every three months for the Canadian Museum of History).

Passes must be returned in person or deposited in the return box. If a pass is returned late, future reservations will be canceled.

The fine for a lost pass is $25.00.

This page was last updated on November 21, 2023


Municipal Library

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