Various complementary resources are offered by the library. Those proposed below are free platforms available to all. It is not necessary to log in to access their content.
To access our children's resources, enter the letter followed by the seven digits of your library card number. Ex. A1234567
Children's Library is a collection of electronic books that you can read or read to your child. Discover their selection of games, puzzles and resources to help you learn other languages.
(French only) À go, on lit encourage les jeunes de 14 à 20 ans à découvrir quel type de lecteur ils sont à l’aide d’un simple quiz. Selon leur résultat, différentes suggestions de livres sont proposées. La bibliothèque municipale participe à identifier ces ressources suggérées qu’elle a dans sa collection selon les différentes catégories afin que vous puissiez trouver vos prochains livres préférés.
Project Gutenberg offers more than
54,000 freely accessible e-books in ePub, Kindle format or by downloading and reading online. It is a free open platform managed by thousands of volunteers.
If you are interested in history, you will want to browse the Canadian Encyclopedia website. Learn more about a wide range of topics related to the history of our country.
This page was last updated on November 21, 2023
Municipal Library
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