Given in Chelsea this 21st day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1292-23 - By-law establishing the 2024 tax rates and fees for various services.
Given in Chelsea this 18th day of December 2023:
PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETING - To persons interested in draft by-laws repealing the following Planning by-laws: Sustainable development plan by-law number 1214-22, Zoning by-law number 1215-22, Construction by-law number 1217-22, SPAIP by-law number 1218-22. A public consultation meeting will be held on January 17, 2024, at 7 p.m., in the basement meeting hall located at 220 Chemin d'Old Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting will be held on December 20, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council chambers of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais (216 Chemin d'Old Chelsea).
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – By-law number 1274-23 – By-law concerning the establishment of the planning and sustainable development advisory committee.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – By-law number 1275-23 – By-law concerning the establishment of the active and sustainable mobility committee.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – By-law number 1276-23 – By-law concerning the establishment of the public works and infrastructure advisory committee.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – By-law number 1277-23 – By-law concerning the establishment of the recreation, sports, culture and community life advisory committee.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – By-law number 1278-23 – By-law concerning the establishment of the environment, sustainability, and climate change advisory committee.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – By-law number 1279-23 – By-law concerning the establishment of the finance advisory committee and budget monitoring.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – By-law number 1280-23 – By-law concerning the establishment of Chelsea’s advisory fire safety committee.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – By-law number 1281-23 – By-law concerning the establishment of the human resources committee.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – By-law number 1285-23 – By-law establishing the tax rate to finance 9-1-1 emergency centers.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION – By-law number 1262-23 – By-law concerning the removal and treatment of residual materials.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - Notice is hereby given that the Municipality of Chelsea’s Council has adopted the following by-law: By-law number 1267-23, at a sitting held on October 3rd, 2023. By-law amending certain provisions of Zoning by-law number 1215-23.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - Notice is hereby given that the Municipality of Chelsea’s Council has adopted the following by-law: By-law number 1268-23, at a sitting held on October 3rd, 2023. By-law amending certain provisions of Zoning by-law number 1215-23.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of December 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - The Council adopted at a sitting held on October 3rd, 2023, the following specific project of construction, modification, or occupation of a building:
Specific project of construction, modification, or occupation of a building – Use I1-3 microbrewery-type beverage preparation industry – Lot 5 636 315 of the Québec cadastre – 1711, Route 105 – Electoral district 5.
Given in Chelsea on this 12th day of December 2023:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting will be held on December 20, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council chambers of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais (216 Chemin d'Old Chelsea).
Given in Chelsea on this 12th day of December 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - To any interested persons eligible to sign a request to participate in a referendum. Following the public consultation meeting held on October 26, 2023, the Council adopted on December 5, 2023, the second draft by-law number 1273-23-1, modifying the zoning by-law number 1215-22.
Persons residing in the affected and contiguous zones may request that a register be kept for these regulatory changes.
Given in Chelsea on this 11th day of December 2023:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday, January 9th, 2024, on this application for a minor exemption : 24 chemin de Boischatel – lateral setback – Electoral District 2.
Given in Chelsea on this 24th day of November 2023:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting will be held on November 27, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council chambers of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais (216 Chemin d'Old Chelsea).
Given in Chelsea on this 24th day of November 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - Notice is hereby given that the Municipality of Chelsea’s Council has adopted the following by-law: By-law number 1269-23, at a sitting held on September 5th, 2023. By-law amending certain provisions of Master Plan by-law number 1214-22
Given in Chelsea on this 10th day of November 2023:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday, December 5th, 2023, on this application for a minor exemption : 47 Chemin de Charlotte – Front and lateral setback – Electoral District 2
Given in Chelsea on this 27th day of October 2023:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting will be held on October 30, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council chambers of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais (216 Chemin d'Old Chelsea).
Given in Chelsea on this 12th day of October 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - The Council has adopted at a sitting held on October 3rd, 2023 the following by-law: First draft by-law number 1273-23-1 – By-law modifying certain provisions of the zoning by-law number 1215-22 – Modifications to the provisions relating to additional uses authorized for agricultural use (articles 2.7.2 and 2.7 .3), to accessory uses in the RUR-87 zone (article 11.3.2) and repeal of a provision of article 4.5.3 relating to removable pools.
Given in Chelsea on this 12th day of October 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - The Council has adopted the By-law number 1273-23 at a sitting held on October 3rd, 2023.
By-law for the constitution of the Fire department, governing its organization and operation.
Given in Chelsea on this 11th day of October 2023:
MINOR EXEMPTIONS - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday, November 7, 2023, on these applications for a minor exemption:
48 Chemin Suzor Côté – Distance between an accessory building and Highway 5 – Electoral district 2
327 Chemin de la Rivière – Lateral setback – Electoral district 5
Given in Chelsea on this 11th day of October 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE – To any interested persons eligible to sign a request to participate in a referendum.
Second draft resolution – Special building, renovation or occupancy project - use a1-8 horticultural specialty farm – Lot 5 644 080 cadastre of Québec – 51 Chemin de Kingsmere – Electoral district 6.
Given in Chelsea on this 11th day of October 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - The Council has adopted the By-law number 1264-23 at a sitting held on October 3rd, 2023.
By-law amending certain provisions of the zoning by-law number 1215-22 – Provisions respecting farmhouses and keeping of animals.
Given in Chelsea on this 19th day of September 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE – To any interested persons eligible to sign a request to participate in a referendum.
Following the public consultation meeting held on August 30, 2023, Council adopted on September 5, the second draft by-laws number 1264-23, 1267-23, and 1268-23, modifying zoning by-law number 1215-22, and the second draft resolution for the specific construction, alteration or occupancy proposal for a building, in order to authorize the use I1-3 beverage preparation industry of the micro-manufacturing company type (micro-brewery) on lot 5 636 315 of the Québec cadastre, for the vacant premises located at 1711 Route 105.
Persons residing in the affected and contiguous zones may request that a register be kept for these regulatory changes.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of September 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE – Please note that Chelsea’s Demolition Request Committee will decide upon these demolition requests at its next meeting on September 27, 2023:
95-97, chemin d’Old Chelsea
101, chemin d’Old Chelsea
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of September 2023:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting will be held on September 18, 2023, at 7:45 a.m. at the municipal library (100 Chemin d'Old Chelsea).
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of September 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Deposit of the real estate assessment roll – Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with Section 11 of the Regulation respecting the real estate assessment roll and Section 74 of the Act respecting municipal taxation, the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais has posted the 2024-2025-2026 triennial roll for the Municipality of Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea on this 12th day of September 2023:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023, on these applications for a minor exemption:
Given in Chelsea on this 11th day of September 2023:
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARINGS - To all persons interested in the draft by-laws repealing the following planning by-laws: By-law on the Sustainable Master Plan number 1214-22, Zoning by-law number 1215-22. A public assembly for consultation will be held on September 28th, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., at the meeting hall located in the basement of 220 Chemin Old Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea on this 7th day of September 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1272-23 – By-law modifying the speed limit on a portion of Route 105 in the area of the Chelsea Montessori School.
Given in Chelsea on this 7th day of September 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1270-23 – By-law to modify by-law number 1162-20 - By-law establishing the payment of a growth contribution for the wastewater and potable water networks of centre-village when issuing a construction of subdivision permit, when issuing a certificate of authorization or of occupancy for a change of use, or when issuing a connection permit to the networks not provided for in the initial construction, and its amendments.
Given in Chelsea on this 28th day of August 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE – Please note that the Chelsea’s Demolition Request Committee will decide upon this demolition request at its next meeting on September 7, 2023: 655 Route 105 (partial demolition).
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of August 2023:
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARINGS - To all persons interested in the draft by-laws repealing the following planning by-laws: By-law on the Sustainable Master Plan number 1214-22, Zoning by-law number 1215-22. A public hearing for consultation will be held on August 30, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., at the meeting hall, located in basement of 220 Chemin Old Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea on this 27th day of July 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1265-23 – Concerning the occupancy, for the purposes of a daycare center or early childhood center, at 16, chemin Douglas, located on lot 4 121 367 in the cadastre of Quebec, registration number 6040-69-2527 – Electoral district 2.
Given in Chelsea on this 20th day of July 2023:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023, on these applications for a minor exemption:
664 Route 105 – Rear setback
75 Chemin Richens – Lateral setback
76 Chemin Suzor-Côté – Encrochment of parking space front of residence
Given in Chelsea on this 5th day of July 2023:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting will be held on Friday, July 7, 2023, at 7:30 a.m.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of June 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1266-23 - By-law to suspend by-law number 1210-21 – By-law relating to docks and conditions of occupation of the municipal right-of-way along the Gatineau River – Provision relating to its entry into force.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of June 2023:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday, July 4th, 2023, on these applications for a minor exemption:
Given in Chelsea on this 1st day of June 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1251-23 – By-law amending zoning by-law number 1215-22 regarding tourist accommodation establishments.
Given in Chelsea on this 1st day of June 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE – Please note that the Chelsea’s Demolition Request Committee will decide upon this demolition request at its next meeting on June 13, 2023: 36 Chemin Burnett.
Given in Chelsea on this 23rd day of May 2023:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday, June 6th, 2023, on this application for a minor exemption:
Given in Chelsea on this 9th day of May 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1255-23 - By-law modifying borrowing by-law number 1233-21 to increase capital expenditures and loan for an additional amount of $3 245 900.00 to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant for centre-village
Given in Chelsea on this 5th day of May 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1263-23 - By-law concerning the establishment of Chelsea's advisory Fire safety committee.
Given in Chelsea on this 5th day of May 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1253-23 - Borrowing By-law establishing capital expenditures and a loan in the amount of $2, 089, 400.00 to finance the 2023 investment expenditures.
Given in Chelsea on this 21th day of April 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 1259-23 - Borrowing by-law to authorize capital expenditures and a loan in the amount of $511,300.00 to finance expenses related to the drinking water treatment and distribution network in the Centre-village.
Given in Chelsea on this 21th day of April 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Borrowing by-law number 1255-23 modifying borrowing by-law number 1233-21 in order to increase the capital expenditure and the loan for an additional amount of $3,245,900.00 for the realization of the upgrading of the wastewater treatment plant of the centre-village.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of April 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1261-23 concerning a pilot project to authorize food trucks on the outside of road right of ways.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of April 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Persons eligible to vote entitled to be added to the referendum list of the centre-village sector may request that by-law 1255-23, by-law concerning the increase of the capital expenditure and the loan to upgrade the centre-village wastewater treatment plant, be subject to a referendum vote.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of April 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Persons eligible to vote entitled to be added to the referendum list of the centre-village sector may request that by-law 1259-23, by-law concerning the financing of expenses related to the drinking water treatment and distribution network for centre-village, be the subject of a referendum vote.
Given in Chelsea on this 31th day of March 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Certificate of completion of the registration process for qualified voters
Given in Chelsea on this 31th day of March 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1257-23 – By-law concerning the municipal financial assistance program complementary to the AccèsLogis Québec program
Given in Chelsea on this 27th day of March 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1256-23 - By-law delegating to officers of the municipality the power to authorize expenditures and to enter into contracts accordingly.
Given in Chelsea on this 27th day of March 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1254-23 - By-law amending specific provisions of By-law number 1247-22 establishing the 2023 tax rates and fees for various services.
Given in Chelsea on this 24th day of March 2023:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023, on this application for a minor exemption:
Given in Chelsea on this 23th day of March 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Persons eligible to vote entitled to be added to the referendum list of the Municipality may request that By-law number 1251-23, By-law concerning lodging establishments, be the subject of a referendum vote.
Given in Chelsea on this 17 th day of March 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1248-23 - By-law repealing by-law number 640-05 concerning
comprehensive development plans
Given in Chelsea on this 3th day of March 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Certificate regarding the registration of qualified voters for by-law 1253-23.
Given in Chelsea on this 27th day of February 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - To any interested persons eligible to sign a request to participate in a referendum - Second draft by-law number 1250-23, By-law amending certain provisions of the zoning by-law number 1215-22 – Provisions amending the REC-1 zone specifications grid to allow the use of the C3-2 subclass.
Given in Chelsea on this 23th day of February 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1258-23 - By-law establishing the human resources committee.
Given in Chelsea on this 21th day of February 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1252-23 - By-law on amending certain provisions of By-law number 680-06 establishing the rates applicable to septic systems with tertiary treatment involving discharge into the environment.
Given in Chelsea on this 21th day of February 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1244-23 - By-law on civic numbers.
Given in Chelsea on this 21th day of February 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1249-23 - By-law on permits and certificates.
Given in Chelsea on this 17th day of February 2023:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at 7:45 a.m.
Given in Chelsea on this 16th day of February 2023:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday, March 14th, 2023, on these applications for a minor exemption.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of February 2023:
PUBLIC NOTICE - To persons eligible to vote entitled to be added to the referendum list of the entire municipality, may request that By-law Number 1253-23 be the subject of a referendum vote by entering their name, address and position and by signing an open registry.
Given in Chelsea on this 6th day of February 2023:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1242-22 and 1243-22 - By-law concerning demolition requests and By-law on the occupancy and maintenance of buildings on the territory of the Municipality of Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea on this 27th day of January 2023:
Notice of public consultation - At a meeting held on January 10, 2023, by Chelsea’s Municipal Council, a notice of motion and a first draft By-law were tabled for the subsequent adoption of the following By-law:
By-law number 1251 - 23 - By-law amending Zoning By-law number 1215-22 with respect to tourist accommodations establishments.
A public consultation meeting will be held on February 15, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., in the basement meeting hall located at 220 Old Chelsea Road, Chelsea, Québec, J9B 1J4. Important: The hall and parking lot are located at the back of the building. There is no access for people with reduced mobility. We invite you to view the meeting via the Zoom platform if you cannot attend in person.
To view the meeting, connect via the Zoom platform, Click here
To access the draft by-law number 1251- 23, click here
Given in Chelsea on this 18th day of January 2023:
MINOR EXEMPTION : Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday, February 7th, 2023, on these applications for a minor exemption.
Given in Chelsea on this 18th day of January 2023:
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARING : To those interested in participating in a public consultation meeting concerning zoning draft by-laws 1215-23 and by-law 640-05 on CDP’s.
Given in Chelsea this 21st day of december 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1247-22 - By-law establishing the 2023 tax rates and fees for various services.
Given in Chelsea on this 16th day of December 2022:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 7:30 p.m.
Given in Chelsea this 15th day of december 2022
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday, January 10th, 2023, on these applications for a minor exemption
Given in Chelsea this 13th day of december 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1241-22 - By-law concerning public nuisances on the territory of the Municipality of Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea this 13th day of december 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1245-22 - By-law respecting the right of first offer for the purpose of identifying the territory and the municipal purposes for wich immovables may be acquired.
Given in Chelsea on this 12th day of December 2022:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
Given in Chelsea this 2nd day of december 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1214-22 - By-law on the Master plan.
Given in Chelsea this 2nd day of december 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1215-22 - Zoning By-law.
Given in Chelsea this 2nd day of december 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1216-22 - Subdivision By-law.
Given in Chelsea this 2nd day of december 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1217-22 - Construction By-law.
Given in Chelsea this 2nd day of december 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1218-22 - Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program By-law (SPAIP).
Given in Chelsea this 2nd day of december 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1219-22 - Permits and certificates By-law.
Given in Chelsea this 2nd day of december 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1220-22 - Special Building Construction, Modification or Occupancy Projects By-Lay (SBCMOP).
Given in Chelsea on this 8th day of November 2022:
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARING - To those interested in participating in a public consultation meeting concerning the draft by-laws 1242-22 and 1243-22 to replace and repeal Planning By-laws Number 1166-20 and 1167-20.
Given in Chelsea on this 4th day of November 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Take notice that Chelsea's Demolition Request committee will hold a meeting on Monday, November 14, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. by audio-visual conference.
Given in Chelsea on this 24th day of October 2022:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
Given in Chelsea on this 18th day of October 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE - At an ordinary meeting held on October 4th, 2022, Council adopted by-law number 1214-22 « By-law on the Master Plan », by-law number 1215-22 « Zoning by-law » and by-law number 1216-22 « Subdivision by-law », revised in concordance with the revised Land Use Planning and Development Plan of the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais.
PUBLIC NOTICE - At an extraordinary sitting held August 31, 2022, Council adopted By-law Number 1217-22 "Construction By-law", By-law Number 1218-22 "Site Planning and Architectural Integration By-law", By-law number 1219-22 "By-law concerning permits and certificates" and By-law number 1220-22 "By-law concerning specific construction or occupancy modification projects", revised in accordance with the revised land use and development plan of the MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of October 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE - To persons eligible to vote entitled to be added to the referendum list of the entire municipality, may request that By-law Number 1216-22 be the subject of a referendum vote by entering their name, address and position and by signing an open registry.
PUBLIC NOTICE - To persons eligible to vote entitled to be added to the referendum list of the entire municipality, may request that By-law Number 1215-22 be the subject of a referendum vote by entering their name, address and position and by signing an open registry.
Given in Chelsea on this 7th day of October 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with Section 148.0.5 of the Land Use Planning and Development Act, Chelsea’s Demolition request committee will hold a session on Thursday October 27th, 2022, at 1:30 p.m., by audiovisual meeting via the Zoom online platform.
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with Section 145.6 of the Land Use Planning and Development Act, Municipal Council will decide upon this minor exemption application, at its ordinary sitting to be held Tuesday, November 1st, 2022, at 7 p.m., at the MRC des Collines-del’Outaouais‘s council chambers of located at 216, chemin d'Old Chelsea, Chelsea (Quebec). Zoning By-law Number 636-05:
Given in Chelsea this 22th day of September 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1221-21 - By-law on Minor Exemptions.
Given in Chelsea on this 28th day of August 2022:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
Given in Chelsea on this 17th day of August 2022:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Municipal Council will decide upon these minor exemption applications, at its ordinary sitting to be held Tuesday, September 6th, 2022, at 7 p.m., at the council chambers of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais.
Zoning By-law Number 636-05:
The purpose of this request is to allow two signs on the building for the '' Banque Nationale '', instead of one, that is to say a sign on the wall facing chemin Cross Loop and another on the wall facing the parking lot.
Given in Chelsea this 11th day of July 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 22-RM-03 - By-law concerning traffic, parking and stops within the limits of the Municipality of Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea on this 20th day of June 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE - The Municipality of Chelsea informs you of its intention to have a commemorative p laque in honour of Mr. Murray Esselmont installed on the bench in the parc de la Paix in the Hollow Glen sector.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of June 2022:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Municipal Council will decide upon these minor exemption applications, at its ordinary sitting to be held Tuesday, July 5th, 2022, at 7 p.m., at the council chambers of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais.
Zoning By-law Number 636-05.
PUBLIC NOTICE - Take notice that Chelsea's Demolition Request committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, June 30, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. by audio-visual conference.
Given in Chelsea this 13th day of June 2022
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 22-RM-04 - By-law concerning the maintenance of public peace and good order within the limits of the Municipality of chelsea.
Given in Chelsea this 6th day of June 2022
PUBLIC NOTICE - Notice establishing the list of elected officials who have completed the mandatory training in ethics and professional conduct, in accordance with the Municipal Ethics and Good Conduct Act.
Given in Chelsea on this 27th day of May 2022:
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARING - To those interested in participating in a public consultation meeting concerning the draft by-law to replace and repeal the following Planning By-law;
Site planning and architectural integration program By-law number 681-06.
Given in Chelsea on this 27th day of May 2022:
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARING - To those interested in participating in a public consultation meeting concerning the draft by-law to adopt the following urban planning By-law:
Special Building Construction Modification or Occupancy Projects By-law number 1220-22 (SBCMOP)
Given in Chelsea on this 27th day of May 2022:
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARING - To those interested in participating in a public consultation meeting concerning the draft by-law to replace and repeal Planning By-law Number 635-05.
Given in Chelsea on this 27th day of May 2022:
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARING - To those interested in participating in a public consultation meeting concerning the draft by-law to replace and repeal Planning By-laws Numbers 6356-05, 637-05, 638-05, 639-05, 366-91.
Given in Chelsea on this 18th day of May 2022:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Municipal Council will decide upon these minor exemption applications, at its ordinary sitting to be held Tuesday, June 7th, 2022, at 7 p.m., at the council chambers of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais.
Zoning By-law Number 636-05.
Given in Chelsea on this 12th day of May 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Take notice that Chelsea's Demolition Request committee will hold a meeting on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. by audio-visual conference.
Given in Chelsea on this 10th day of May 2022:
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARING - To those interested in participating in a public consultation meeting to replace and repeal the Planning By-law concerning Site Planning and Architectural Integration Programs number 681-06.
Given in Chelsea on this 6th day of May 2022:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1238-21 - Borrowing By-law establishing expenditures and a loan required for the relocation of public utilities on chemin du Lac-Meech
Given in Chelsea on this 6th day of May 2022:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1233-21 - Borrowing By-law establishing expenditures and a loan required to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant for centre-village.
Given in Chelsea on this 3rd day of May 2022:
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARING - To those interested in participating in a public consultation meeting concerning the draft by-law to replace and repeal Planning By-law Number 635-05.
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARING - To those interested in draft by-law number 1220-22 - Special Building Construction, Modification or Occupancy Projects By-law (SBCMOP).
PUBLIC CONSULTATION HEARING - To those interested in the following draft by-laws:
First Draft By-Law Number 1215-22 – Zoning By-law
First Draft By-law Number 1216-22 – Subdivision By-law
Draft By-Law Number 1217-22 – Construction By-law
Draft By-Law Number 1219-22 – Permits and Certificates By-law
Draft By-Law Number 1139-19 – Minor Exemptions By-law
Given in Chelsea on this 19th day of April 2022:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1187-21 - By-law decreeing the annexation of part of the territory of the city of Gatineau to the Municipality of Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of April 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Take notice that the Chelsea's Demolition Request committee will hold a meeting on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. by audio-visual conference.
Given in Chelsea on this 8th day of April 2022:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1239-22 - By-law to enact standards applicable to members of chelsea's municipal council - Code of ethics and professional conduct in municipal matters.
Given in Chelsea on this 30th day of March 2022:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1237-21 - Borrowing by-law establishing expenditures and a loan required to finance the 2022 professional services.
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1236-21 - Borrowing by-law establishing capital expenditures and a loan required for the completion of buildings, roads and infrastructure work and the acquisition of vehicles.
Given in Chelsea on this 23th day of March 2022:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting to be held Monday March 28, 2022 at 7pm by videoconference.
Given in Chelsea on this 17th day of March 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with Section 148.0.5 of the Land Use Planning and Development Act, Chelsea’s Demolition request committee will hold a session on Wednesday March 30th, 2022, at 12 p.m., by Zoom audiovisual conference regarding the request for 8 chemin Bell.
Given in Chelsea on this 16th day of March 2022:
MINOR EXEMPTION - Notice is hereby given that Municipal Council will decide upon this application for a minor exemption at its ordinary sitting to be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., by Zoom audiovisual conference.
Zoning By-law Number 636-05:
21, chemin Gleneagle (lot 3 030 528 of the Québec cadastre) - Maximum floor area.
Given in Chelsea on this 16th day of March 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE: By-law to enact standards applicable to members of chelsea's municipal council - Code of ethics and professional conduct in municipal matters.
Given in Chelsea on this 9th day of March 2022:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting to be held Wednesday March 16, 2022 at 7pm by videoconference.
Given in Chelsea on this 25rd day of February 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE: Summary of the election expenses return of an authorized independent candidate
Given in Chelsea on this 23rd day of February 2022:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law Number 1205-21 - Amending Subdivision By-law Number 637-05 - Provisions relating to the definition of private road and to cases not requiring a transfer of land or monetary compensation / By-law Number 1206-21 amending By-law Number 640-05 relating to comprehensive development plans - Provision concerning the obligation to file an EAP
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law Number 1207-21 amending certain provisions of Planning By-law Number 635-05 - Amendment to Chapter 6 in order to exempt certain projects from comprehensive planning / By-law Number 1208-21 amending certain provisions of Zoning By-law Number 636-05 - Repeal of zone PAE-62, creation of zone RA-62 and of special provision #56
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of February 2022:
DEMOLITION REQUEST - Notice is hereby given that the Demolition Request Committee will decide at its next sitting to be held Wednesday February 23rd, 2022 at 11 a.m. by Zoom audiovisual conference on these applications for demolition:
311 chemin de la Rivière
21 chemin Gleneagle
Given in Chelsea on this 9th day of February 2022:
MINOR EXEMPTIONS - Notice is hereby given that Municipal Council will decide upon these two applications for minor exemptions, at its ordinary sitting to be held Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at 7 p.m., by Zoom audiovisual conference.
Zoning By-law number 636-05:
Given in Chelsea on this 31st day of January 2022:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law number 1211-21 - By-law designating chemin du Relais, chemin de la Traverse and chemin de la Randonnée as being "shared roads".
Given in Chelsea on this 20th day of January 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE OF WRITTEN CONSULTATION: By-law number 1238-21 - Borrowing by-law establishing capital expenditures and a loan required for the relocation of public utilities on chemin du Lac-Meech
Given in Chelsea on this 20th day of January 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE OF WRITTEN CONSULTATION: By-law number 1237-21 - Borrowing by-law establishing expenditures and a loan required to finance the 2022 professional services
Given in Chelsea on this 20th day of January 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE OF WRITTEN CONSULTATION: By-law number 1236-21 - Borrowing by-law establishing capital expenditures and a loan required for the completion of buildings, roads and infrastructure work and the acquisition of vehicles
Given in Chelsea on this 20th day of January 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE OF WRITTEN CONSULTATION: By-law number 1233-21 - Borrowing by-law establishing expenditures and a loan required to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant for centre-village
Given in Chelsea on this 19th day of January 2022:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law number 1234-21 - By-law establishing the 2022 tax rates and fees for various services.
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law number 1231-21 - By-law concerning the establishement of the Communication Advisory Committee.
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law number 1229-21 - By-law concerning the establishement of the adisory Committee on Finance and Budget monitoring.
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law number 1228-21 - By-law concerning the establishement of the advisory Committee on Environment, Durability and Climate Change.
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law number 1227-21 - By-law concerning the establishement of the Recreation, Sport, Culture and Community Life Advisory Committee.
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law number 1226-21 - By-law concerning the establishement of the Public Works and Infrastructures Advisory Committee.
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law number 1225-21 - By-law concerning the establishement of the Planning and Sustainable Development Advisory Committee.
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law number 1222-21 - Citation as a heritage building of the former United Church, located at 8 chemin Mill.
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law number 1197-21 - By-law concerning the establishement of the Active and Sustainable Mobility Committee.
Given in Chelsea on this 17th day of January 2022:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law number 1232-21 - By law to enact standards applicable to members of Chelsea's municipal council - Code of ethics and professionnal conduct in municipal matters.
Given in Chelsea on this 3rd day of January 2022:
PUBLIC NOTICE: By-law number 1232-21 - By-law to enact standards applicable to members of Chelsea's Municipal Council - Code of ethics and professional conduct in municipal matters. The Municipality of Chelsea wishes to advise that this by-law will be adopted at the ordinary session held on January 11, 2022, at 7 pm, to be held by audiovisual conference through the Zoom digital platform.
Given in Chelsea on this 17th day of December 2021:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting to be held Tuesday, December 21, 2021, at 7:30 p.m. by videoconference.
Given in Chelsea on this 16th day of December 2021:
MINOR EXEMPTIONS - Notice is hereby given that Municipal Council will decide upon these applications for minor exemptions, at its ordinary sitting to be held Tuesday, January 11, 2022, at 7 p.m., by Zoom audiovisual conference:
Zoning By-law Number 636-05:
15 chemin de Kingsmere (lots 2 635 533 et 2 636 757 of the Québec cadastre – Front and lateral setbacks.
33 chemin Emily Carr (lot 6 164 171 of the Québec cadastre) – Lateral setback.
52 chemin Lilsam (lot 3 030 020 of the Québec cadastre) – Garage height.
664 route 105 (lot 2 636 106 of the Québec cadastre) – Distance between a porch and the road right-of-way of Route 105.
Subdivision Bylaw 637-05:
35 chemin Mill (lot 6 654 508 of the Québec cadastre) – Lot frontage.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of December 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1224-21 establishing the fees for the celebration of a civil marriage or a civil union.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of December 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1200-21 to consolidate the borrowing by-laws relating to the wastewater treatment system work in the centre village.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of December 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1201-21 to consolidate the borrowing by-laws relating to the work on the centre-village drinking water treatment system.
Given in Chelsea on this 10th day of December 2021:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting to be held Tuesday, December 10, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. by videoconference.
Given in Chelsea on this 24th day of November 2021:
Public consultation hearing - At a meeting held on October 5, 2021 by the municipal council of the Municipality of Chelsea, a notice of motion and a draft by-law were tabled for the subsequent adoption of the following by-law:
By-law number 1222-21 - Citation by-law as a heritage building of the former United Church, located at 8 chemin Mill
A virtual public assembly for consultation will be held on Wednesday December 8th, 2021, at 6:45 p.m., by Zoom videoconference.
Given in Chelsea on this 17th day of November 2021:
Minor exemptions - Notice is hereby given that Municipal Council will decide at its sitting to be held Tuesday, November 7th, 2021 , on these applications for a minor exemption:
Zoning By-law Number 636-05:
Given in Chelsea on this 4th day of November 2021:
Notice of promulgation - By-law number 1183-21 modifying by-law 1094-18 on the standardization of the taxation clause and the appendix of the sectors serviced in the various by-laws with respect to the work of the potable water system for centre-village.
Given in Chelsea on this 26th day of October 2021:
Notice of promulgation - Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the Municipality of Chelsea, at a sitting held May 4, 2021, has adopted the following by-laws:
Given in Chelsea on this 20th day of October 2021:
Public notice - By this public notice, John-David McFaul, Returning Officer, announces the elements of the November 7, 2021 ballot to electors entered on the municipal list of electors.
Given in Chelsea on this 18th day of October 2021:
Public Notice - The Municipality of Chelsea informs you of its intention to have the name "Nakweyamàdiwin Mikàns" recognized as the official name of the community trail located on the grounds of St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church.
Given in Chelsea on this 18th day of October 2021:
Notice of promulgation - By-law Number 1213-21 - By-law modifying the speed limit on a part of chemin de la Rivière at the Farm Point Municipal Park.
Given in Chelsea on this 18th day of October 2021:
Public notice - Request to participate in a referendum addressed to interested persons having the right to sign a request to participate in a referendum, within the framework of the second draft by-law number 1203-21 amending specific provisions of the Zoning By-law Number 636-05.
Given in Chelsea on this 18th day of October 2021:
Public notice - At a regular meeting held on October 5, 2021, Council adopted By-law Number 1208-21 entitled "By-law amending certain provisions of Zoning By-law Number 636-05" and By-law Number 1205-21 entitled "By-law amending Subdivision By-law Number 637-05, provisions relating to the definition of private road and to cases not requiring the transfer of land or monetary compensation".
Given in Chelsea on this 18th day of October 2021:
Notice of promulgation - By-law Number 1212-21 amending certain provisions of Permits and Certificates Number 639-05 - Provisions relating to the number of lots on a private road and building standards thereon.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of October 2021:
Public notice - Request to participate in a referendum addressed to interested persons having the right to sign a request to participate in a referendum, within the framework of the second draft by-law number 1203-21 amending specific provisions of the Zoning By-law Number 636-05.
Given in Chelsea on this 24th day of September 2021:
NOTICE OF MEETING - Take notice that an extraordinary Council meeting to be held Tuesday, October 5, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. by videoconference.
Given in Chelsea on this 15th day of September 2021:
MINOR EXEMPTIONS - Notice is hereby given that Municipal Council will decide at its sitting to be held Tuesday, October 5th, 2021 , on these applications for a minor exemption:
Subdivision By-law Number 637-05:
Zoning By-law Number 636-05:
Given in Chelsea on this 13th day of September 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE - PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETING / To those interested in the draft By-laws modifying the Master Plan and Planning By-laws.
Given in Chelsea on this 10th day of September 2021:
DEMOLITION REQUEST - Notice is hereby given that the Demolition Request Committee will decide at its next sitting to be held Wednesday September 22sd, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. by Zoom audiovisual conference on these applications for demolition:
217 chemin d’Old Chelsea
11 route 105
Given in Chelsea on this 10TH day of September 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1210-21 - By-law concerning docks and conditions of occupancy of municipal land bordering the gatineau river.
Given in Chelsea on this 10TH day of September 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1202-21 - By-law concerning the salaries of Chelsea's elected officials.
Given in Chelsea on this 2nd day of September 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE OF ELECTION - By this public notice, John-David McFaul, the returning officer announces the following to the electors of the municipality.
Given in Chelsea on this 31st day of August 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1199-21 - By-law modifying by-law 1162-20 and establishing the payment of a contribution for the wastewater and potable water systems in centre-village.
Given in Chelsea on this 31st day of August 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1196-21 - By-law establishing expenditures and a loan required for various work on la Voie Verte Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea on this 26th day of August 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1193-21 - By-law amending specific provisions of the zoning By-Law Number 636-05.
Given in Chelsea on this 18th day of August 2021:
MINOR EXEMPTIONS - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its sitting to be held Tuesday August 7th, 2021 , on these applications for a minor exemption:
8 chemin Padden
12A chemin Padden
56 chemin Suzor Coté
26 chemin Sherrin
340 chemin Jean-Paul Lemieux
376 chemin Jean-Paul Lemieux
244 chemin Old Chelsea
20 chemin Hicklin
17 chemin Cross Loop
Given in Chelsea on this 17th day of August 2021:
DEMOLITION REQUESTS - Notice is hereby given that the Demolition Request Committee will decide at its next sitting to be held Thursday August 26th, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. by Zoom audiovisual conference on these applications for demolition:
244 et 248, chemin d’Old Chelsea
26 chemin Sherrin
4 chemin du Petit-Prêcheur
25 chemin de la Mine
Given in Chelsea on this 16th day of July 2021:
MINOR EXEMPTIONS - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its sitting to be held Tuesday August 3rd, 2021 , on these applications for a minor exemption:
Given in Chelsea on this 16th day of July 2021:
DEMOLITION REQUESTS - Notice is hereby given that the Demolition Request Committee will decide at its next sitting to be held Wednesday July 28th, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via the Zoom platform on these applications for demolition:
The Demolition Request Committee will be held on Wednesday July 28th, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., via the Zoom platform.
Given in Chelsea this 9th day of July 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 21-RM-05 - By-Law to enact standards for fire safety in the Municipality of Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea this 9th day of July 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 21-RM-02 - By-Law concerning animals within the limits of the Municipality of Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea this 8th day of July 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE - At the August 3, 2021, ordinary sitting of Council, by-law number 1202-21, known as “By-law concerning the salaries of Chelsea's elected officials”, will be adopted.
Given in Chelsea this 29th day of June 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1192-21 - By-law to modify the Municipality of Chelsea’s Urban Masterplan.
Given in Chelsea this 11th day of June 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1189-21 - By-law to establish measures for the conservation of potable water.
Given in Chelsea this 9th day of June 2021:
MINOR EXEMPTIONS - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its sitting to be held Tuesday July 6th, 2021, on these applications for a minor exemption:
Given in Chelsea this 3rd day of June 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE - (French only) - Règlement numéro 1196-21 - Règlement d'emprunt décrétant des dépenses en immobilisations et un emprunt nécessaire à la réalisation de travaux d'aménagement sur la Voie Verte Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea this 1st day of June 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE - Draft by-law number 1199-21 - By-law modifying by-law number 1162-20 and establishing the payment of a contribution for the wastewater and potable water systems in centre-village in order to add the estimates of the projected investments and the method of calculation of the contribution.
A virtual public hearing for consultation will be held on Tuesday June 8th, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., via the Zoom platform.
Given in Chelsea this 25th day of May 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE - The 2020 financial report will be tabled at the municipal council’s ordinary sitting to be held Tuesday, June 1st, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Given in Chelsea this 17th day of May 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 1196-21 - Borrowing by-law establishing expenditures and a loan required for various work on Voie Verte Chelsea.
Given in Chelsea this 12th day of May 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 1188-21 - By-law amending certain provisions of By-law number 1141-19 replacing By-law number 1050-18 relating to the septic tanks and retention tanks emptying program for isolated residences on the territory of the Municipality of Chelsea - Provisions relating to the buildings concerned and the accessibility of the tank.
Given in Chelsea this 12th day of May 2021:
MINOR EXEMPTIONS - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its sitting to be held Tuesday June 1st, 2021, on these applications for a minor exemption:
Given in Chelsea this 11th day of May 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE – To any interested persons eligible to sign a request to participate in a referendum with regards to the “Second Draft By-law Number 1193-21 amending specific provisions of the Zoning By-law Number 636-05 – Provisions amending the specifications grid for zone CC-405 in order to allow the I3 – Par-industrial uses in this zone”. Requests must be received on or before Wednesday May 19th, 2021.
Given in Chelsea this 10th day of May 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE - (French only) - Règlement numéro 1178-21 - Règlement modifiant le règlement numéro 1091-18 - Uniformisation de la clause de taxation et de l'annexe des secteurs desservis des différents règlements relatifs aux travaux du réseau de traitement des eaux usées du Centre-Village.
PUBLIC NOTICE - (French only) - Règlement numéro 1179-21 - Règlement modifiant le règlement numéro 1092-18 - Uniformisation de la clause de taxation et de l'annexe des secteurs desservis des différents règlements relatifs aux travaux du réseau de traitement des eaux usées du Centre-Village.
PUBLIC NOTICE - (French only) - Règlement numéro 1180-21 - Règlement modifiant le règlement numéro 1089-18 - Uniformisation de la clause de taxation et de l'annexe des secteurs desservis des différents règlements relatifs aux travaux du réseau de traitement des eaux usées du Centre-Village.
PUBLIC NOTICE - (French only) - Règlement numéro 1181-21 - Règlement modifiant le règlement numéro 1093-18 - Uniformisation de la clause de taxation et de l'annexe des secteurs desservis des différents règlements relatifs aux travaux du réseau de traitement des eaux usées du Centre-Village.
PUBLIC NOTICE - (French only) - Règlement numéro 1182-21 - Règlement modifiant le règlement numéro 1095-18 - Uniformisation de la clause de taxation et de l'annexe des secteurs desservis des différents règlements relatifs aux travaux d'alimentation en eau potable du Centre-Village.
PUBLIC NOTICE - (French only) - Règlement numéro 1183-21 - Règlement modifiant le règlement numéro 1094-18 - Uniformisation de la clause de taxation et de l'annexe des secteurs desservis des différents règlements relatifs aux travaux d'alimentation en eau potable du Centre-Village.
PUBLIC NOTICE - (French only) - Règlement numéro 1184-21 - Règlement modifiant le règlement numéro 1090-18 - Uniformisation de la clause de taxation et de l'annexe des secteurs desservis des différents règlements relatifs aux travaux d'alimentation en eau potable du Centre-Village.
PUBLIC NOTICE - (French only) - Règlement numéro 1186-21 - Règlement modifiant le règlement numéro 1098-18 - Uniformisation de la clause de taxation et de l'annexe des secteurs desservis des différents règlements relatifs aux travaux du réseau de traitement des eaux usées du Centre-Village.
PUBLIC NOTICE - (French only) - Règlement numéro 1194-21 - Règlement modifiant le règlement numéro 1097-18 - Clause de taxation (modification de la charte des unités) et ajout du lot 4 790 315 pour le secteur Farm Point.
PUBLIC NOTICE - (French only) - Règlement numéro 1195-21 - Règlement modifiant le règlement numéro 1096-18 - Clause de taxation (modification de la charte des unités) et ajout du lot 4 790 315 pour le secteur Farm Point.
Given in Chelsea on this 23rd day of April 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1175-20 - Borowing By-law establishing expenditures and a loan required to finance the 2021 professional services.
Given in Chelsea on this 22nd day of April 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1172-20 - Borowing By-law establishing capital expenditures and a loan required for the completion of road and infrastructure work and the purchase of a vehicule.
Given in Chelsea on this 21st day of April 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1165-20 - By-law amending specific provisions of the Zoning By-law Number 636-05 - Provisions amending the specification grid of the CB-233 zone to permit a micro-distillery in that zone and amending special provision 43.
Given in Chelsea on this 20th day of April 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1185-21 - By-law modifying the speed limit on a section of Chemin Cécil, along the municipal park and the soccer fields.
Given in Chelsea on this 14th day of April 2021:
MINOR EXEMPTIONS - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its sitting to be held Tuesday May 4th, 2021, on these applications for a minor exemption:
Given in Chelsea on this 12th day of April 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE - To all persons interested in these Draft by-laws amending the following Planning By-laws: Master plan Number 635-05 and zoning By-Law Number 636-05. A virtual public assembly for consultation will be held on Tuesday April 27th, 2021, at 6:30 p.m., by Zoom videoconference.
Given in Chelsea on this 8th day of April 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1148-20 - By-law amending specific provisions of the zoning By-Law Number 636-05.
Given in Chelsea on this 8th day of April 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law 1164-20 - By-law amending specific provisions of the zoning By-Law Number 637-05.
Given in Chelsea on this 18th day of March 2021:
MINOR EXEMPTIONS - Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its sitting to be held Tuesday April 6, 2021, on these applications for a minor exemption:
Given in Chelsea on this 16th day of March 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION - By-law number 1174-21 - By-law modifying the speed limit on a portion of Route 105, between Chemin Sherrin and Chemin Pawley.
Given in Chelsea on this 12th day of March 2021:
DEMOLITION REQUESTS - Notice is hereby given that the Demolition Request Committee will decide at its next sitting to be held Monday March 22nd, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via the Zoom platform on these applications for demolition:
Given in Chelsea on this 17th day of February 2021:
MINOR EXEMPTIONS – Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its sitting to be held Tuesday March 9th, 2021, on these applications for a minor exemption:
Given in Chelsea on this 17th day of February 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE – To any interested persons eligible to sign a request to participate in a referendum with regards to the “Second Draft By-law Number 1165-20 amending specific provisions of the Zoning By-law Number 636-05 – Provisions amending the specifications grid for zone CB-233 in order to allow a micro-distillery in this zone and amending special provision 43”. Requests must be received on or before Thursday February 25th, 2021.
Given in Chelsea on this 10th day of February 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-law 1176-21 - By-law delegating to officers of the Municipality the power to authorize expenditures and to enter into contracts accordingly.
Given in Chelsea on this 9th day of February 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE: By-law number 1173-20 - Borrowing by-law establishing expenditures and a loan required for the reconstruction of Chemin de la Rivière.
Given in Chelsea on this 8th day of February 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE: By-law number 1172-20 - (French only) Règlement d'emprunt décrétant des dépenses en immobilisations et un emprunt nécéssaire à la réalisation de travaux de voirie et d'infrastructures ainsi que l'acquisition d'un véhicule.
PUBLIC NOTICE: By-law number 1175-20 - (French only) Règlement d'emprunt décrétant des dépenses et un emprunt pour financer les services professionnels 2021.
Given in Chelsea on this 29th day of January 2021:
DEMOLITION REQUESTS: Notice is hereby given that the Demolition Request Committee will decide at its next sitting to be held Tuesday February 9th, 2021 at 1 p.m., on these applications for demolition:
Given in Chelsea on this 21st day of January 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE: To any interested persons eligible to sign a request to participate in a referendum with regards to the “Second Draft By-law Number 1148-20 amending specific provisions of the Zoning By-law Number 636-05 – Introduce provisions for integrated residential and commercial project into zone CA-216”. Requests must be received on or before Friday January 29th, 2021.
Given in Chelsea on this 19th day of January 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE: By-law number 1172-20 - Borrowing by-law establishing capital expenditures and a loan required for the completion of road and infrastructure work and the purchase of a vehicle.
PUBLIC NOTICE: By-law number 1175-20 - Borrowing by-law establishing expenditures and a loan required to finance the 2021 professional services.
Given at Chelsea on this, 18th day of January 2021:
NOTICE OF PROMULGATION: By-Law number 1171-20 - By-Law establishing the 2021 tax rates and fees for varioux services.
Given at Chelsea on this 14th day of January 2021:
MINOR EXEMPTION: Notice is hereby given that Council will decide at its next extraordinary sitting to be held Tuesday February 2nd, 2021, on these applications for minor exemptions:
Given at Chelsea on this 13th day of January 2021:
PUBLIC NOTICE: By-Law number 1170-20 amending specific provisions of the By-Law number 366-91 respecting minor exemption request - provisions regarding the fees for minor exemption request.
PUBLIC NOTICE: By-Law number 1669-20 amending specific provisions of the By-Law number 639-05 respecting permits and certificates - provisions regarding applicable fees for requests for By-Laws amendments, permits and certificates, spaid and security deposits.
The Municipality keeps archive documents on its website for a period of two years. Following this period, residents who wish to consult or obtain a copy of documents that are more than two years old may make an information access request.
This page was last updated on January 10, 2024