The next Planning and Sustainable Development Advisory Committee meeting will be held virtually via the Microsoft Teams digital platform.
The public is invited to attend the question and answer period in person beginning at 6:45 p.m. The remainder of the meeting will be held in a private session.
To participate in the question period, click the link below and follow the connection instructions.
Date of the next meeting: February 5, 2025
Meeting ID: 212 121 420 46
Password: vC9RY3UV
The PSDAC provides recommendations to Council on matters concerning land use planning, including:
The Land Use Planning and Development Act specifies that a planning and advisory committee must be composed of at least one member of the Council. The committee is also made up of citizens. Municipal civil servants from the Planning and Sustainable Development Services also play a key role in assisting members of the committee and take part in the PSDAC meetings but they are not considered members and have no voting privileges. The Committee represents an important intermediate between the taxpayer and Council.
The committee meets once a month on the Wednesday following the Council meeting. The meeting is open to the public beginning at 6:45 p.m. and alternates between virtual and in-person meetings.
The virtual meetings are held through the Microsoft Teams digital platform and the in-person meetings are held in the meeting room located in the basement of 220 Chemin Old Chelsea.
Calendar of meetings:
Applications must be filed with the Planning and Sustainable Development Services. Given the unique nature of each request, no fixed timetable can be provided. Factors that influence the speed of processing an application may include:
In order to study a request, all relevant information and documents must be provided.
The application shall be reviewed and based upon the nature and complexity of the project, it may require to be presented beforehand to other departments/committees for their opinion, for instance:
If needed, following the outcome of the pre-analysis (expect additional lead-time).
All other information or documentation deemed necessary to have a better understanding of the project (expect additional lead-time).
Once the application is deemed complete, a detailed report is prepared for the PSDAC. The application is then assessed by members of the PSDAC who will issue a recommendation to Council. We will contact you when a date is set to present to the Committee.
A draft resolution is submitted to council for a final decision.
We will contact you when a date is set to present to council.
The committee meets once a month on the Wednesday following the Council meeting. The meeting is open to the public beginning at 6:45 p.m. and alternates between virtual and in-person meetings.
The virtual meetings are held through the Microsoft Teams digital platform and the in-person meetings are held in the meeting room located in the basement of 220 Chemin Old Chelsea.
Calendar of meetings:
The committee meets once a month on the Wednesday following the Council meeting. The meeting is open to the public beginning at 6:45 p.m. and alternates between virtual and in-person meetings.
The virtual meetings are held through the Microsoft Teams digital platform and the in-person meetings are held in the meeting room located in the basement of 220 Chemin Old Chelsea.
Calendar of meetings:
Committee meetings are held monthly, on the Wednesday following the Council meeting, in the basement boardroom of the Chelsea Library, located at Town Hall. The meeting is open to the public; doors open at 6:45 pm.
January 12
Agenda | Minutes |
January 26 | Agenda | To come. |
February 2 | Agenda | Minutes |
March 9 | Agenda | Minutes |
April 6 | Agenda | Minutes |
May 4 | Agenda | Minutes |
June 8 | Agenda | Minutes |
July 6 | Agenda | Minutes |
August 10 | Agenda | Minutes |
September 7 | Agenda | Minutes |
October 5 | Agenda | Minutes |
Novembre 2 | Agenda | Minutes |
Decembre 7 | Agenda | Minutes |
Committee meetings are held monthly, on the Wednesday following the Council meeting, in the basement boardroom of the Chelsea Library, located at Town Hall. The meeting is open to the public; doors open at 6:45 pm.
The Municipality keeps archive documents on its website for a period of two years. Following this period, residents who wish to consult or obtain a copy of documents that are more than two years old may make an information access request.
This page was last updated on November 4, 2024
Planning and sustainable development
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